Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Can You Say "Hypocrisy?" No? Well, good luck with that lisp.

So, you wanna know something that makes me mad? I know some people at my school (Shocking, huh?) and they have a Bible Study. Now, I'm perfectly fine with that, but the thing is they only include certain people. Yeah, I know. I guess even though all people God can forgive, die for even, aren't good enough to be a part of their Bible study. Nothing says the love of God like selective membership, eh? Now, this part is purely what I've heard. It may or may not have any legitimacy, but apparently they don't talk a whole lot about God in that Bible study even. Mostly this one person talks about the good works he/she does. Yeah, I know again. I found this really quite irksome. Now, again. The last part is only rumor. I haven't gone to one of those things (I'd probably be rejected anyways...), nor do I particularly want to.

You wanna know something else though? After that exclusive Bible study, one person had a talk with a non-believer about why he/she doesn't know Christ. I wasn't eavesdropping mind you, but I was sitting close to the door and couldn't help hearing. You wanna know that person's answer (the part I heard)? Christian hypocrisy. I nearly busted out laughing. It was so crazy ironic. Although I'm rather worried about that person. He/she is probably more turned off from Christianity than ever because of the people at this school. I know I am, and I'm a believer!

I thought I'd share. Its not like anyone ever reads this blog anyways.

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