Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy First Post of 2010!!!!!!!

Uh, yeah. Look up. Explains all. Woot. Yay. Excitement. Wow! Ooh... dazzle, dazzle. Bask in its sparkle... who needs the ball when you got me, huh?

Happy Last Post Of 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The title speaks volumes... well, it would if titles spoke. Shoot, I did this on my parody blog too... anyways, got to go! 3 minutest till midnight!


Its New Years Eve...

This is going to be one of my last post of 2009. And of this decade really. Scary, is it not? So much has happened this year. In the decade. Even as I'm sitting here typing I'm wondering how the heck I'm going to fit everything into one blog post that needs to be said. There is a lot I'd like to say, and do. There's a lot I wish I could take back. Yet there's also a lot I'd never want to change. 2009 has been a good year, as far as years go. At least for me. I feel like these last 2 years I've really started to find out who I am. And inevitably who God is. I still have a long ways to go with the latter though. Its amazing how much can change in a year. Friends, enemies, nations, families, economies, and anything else you can think of.

I don't handle change very well. I've never been very fond of New Years Eve. I always miss the former year. Always. Yet I also like having a fresh start. See how confused I am?

Well, I'm known for about 3 posts a day. So this may not be the last you'll hear from me this year. Sorry to crush your hopes and dreams.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let It Happen

So, I really like this song by Jimmy Eat World. Its called, "Let it Happen" (the title kinda gave it away). This is kinda an odd thing to point out, and an odd reason to like it, but I like it that the guy has a female backup vocal. There are hardly any rock bands who do that anymore! I like the combo. Its very classic... kinda Rolling Stones-ish. I like it. I've determined if I'm ever in a band that I'll make sure this happens. Its unique anymore, and it has a nice harmony. Today the voices just blend together (with a few exceptions (FIF, BS2, and the Fray come to mind, there are others though) and it kinda defeats the point of having a backup vocal at all.

But I don't know. I have odd music tastes. I've also determined that I'd want a violinist in my rock band. I love electric guitars with violins! Heck, I'd probably insist on a full orchestra. Now that would be a stuffed tour bus... maybe I should rethink some of this. But anyways, thats actually one of the reasons I like BS2. I believe they described themselves as a "supersonic philharmonic". I love it. Its amazing. Check them out.

-Em (Like its anyone else... or is it??? FWOOHAHAHA! Okay.... it is.)


3-2-10, that my friends is the release date. Clever, I agree Reese. March 2, 2010! Its so close! Yet so far away *sigh* (There On Distant Shores comes to mind). But yes, I shall be able to pre order in 1 week! You get a bonus if you pre-order!!! Yay!!! I wonder if it'll be a comb... that would be cool. Really, I'd take anything. I'm just really excited.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 09

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Your flight attendant has informed me that you need to laugh. No sir, you don't need to know why. Yes, we do carry peanuts. No, Bob does not like you.

Okay, my last post was very depressing. As is my life right now. But, for the sake of trying to cheer myself up, I'm doing a post about a rubber chicken. Yep! A chicken, made of rubber. *gasp!* Kaela, you got it for me. I thank you. I can't decide what to name him though, although, if it's laying eggs one would presume it was a girl.... oh dear. If I wanted to be sappy I could name it in Rosie dog's honor... but I don't think I will. It doesn't feel right. So, again. I'm going for cheery. *clears throat*

"Knock, knock" Says I.
"Who's there?" Asks you.
"Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?" Asks I.
"I don't know, why?" Asks you.
"Because he was running away from the radio active flies!!!" Exclaims me. *Starts laughing uncontrollably*
"..." Says you, or rather, doesn't say you.
"Is that Morris code or something for laughter?" Asks me.
"No... your an idiot." Says you.
"Really? Shucks, you are too!" Says I.
"I'm leaving..." Says you.
"Why?" Asks I.
"You freak me out." Says you.
"I try." Says I while making odd facial gestures.
"Uh... bye." Says you while leaving.

... (Great, now I'm using Morris code too. Thanks a lot you! I don't even know what I said...)

Prayers are needed...

My dog has cancer. She's dying. We can't afford the treatments, and even if we could it would only prolong her life by up to 6 months. Pray please. I don't really care if your religious or not. I am, and I need it. I've had her for 10 years, and she's probably the sweetest dog ever. I'm not sure I can let go.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

To Change or not to Change. Now That is the Question...

I'm contemplating doing a new layout. I'm not sure yet. This one has served me well. Maybe I'll do it after 2009 is over. Mark a new era on my blog, you know? No, you probably don't. Most people don't. Bah...

Five Iron Frenzy dvd!

AHHHHH!!!!! The FIF dvd is coming! March 2, 2010!!!!!! I'm excited! WHOOHOO!!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Pants Dare...

So, I recently have been inspired by a rock opera by Five Iron Frenzy. The name? These are not my pants. So, I've decided to try something out. I'm going to go to one of those really judgmental churches (the kind were old ladies give you the evil eye if they don't approve) that say women can't wear pants and, *gasp* I'm going to wear pants. Then, I'm going see the reactions. Then if anyone says anything to me about it I'll give a pre-written, Bible based argument about why they are wrong. Then I'll be all "Yeah, these are not my pants. Roar." And they'll kick me out. It'll be SWELL I tell you. Swell.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Hey, I haven't blogged in a while. I thought I'd say that.

Friday, December 11, 2009



---- ANSWER GUIDE-----
If you answered yes to all 4, then you are a stalker.
If you answered yes to all but number 1, you are a stalking alien.
If you answered yes to all but number 2, you are Bob hating stalker.
If you answered yes to all but number 3, you are a unpatriotic stalker.
If you answered yes to all but number 4, you are a Pie and Bob loving, patriotic, non stalker.

If you answered no to all, you are a Bob/pie hating, patriotic, non-stalker.
If you answered no to all but number 1, you are a pie loving, Bob hating, patriotic non-stalker.
If you answered no to all but number 2, you are a pie hating, Bob loving, patriotic non-stalker.
If you answered no to all but number 3, you are a Pie/Bob hating, unpatriotic non-stalker.
If you answered no to all but number 4, you are a Pie/Bob hating, unpatriotic stalker.

Thank you for taking the "ARE YOU A STALKER" quiz. And please, stop calling me. Get away from that window. No, I will not let you in. Good day...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mom.... nuff' said.

So, my mother has become addicted to this song. Its called "Christmas with a capital 'C'". Its by a band called "Go Fish". Oh dear. While I can agree with the message it sends, ugh. Its a sugary, pop/hip-hop type song. *Bleh* My mother loves it though. To the point to where she sings along with it. I'm rather scared.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The one problem duct tape can't fix. *sniff*

So... I'm living in a broken house. Literally. My plumbing isn't working. Thus, no showers. No washing of clothes. No dishwashing. Minimal toilet use. Minimal hand-washing. Its not fun, let me tell ya. Its kinda awful. I suppose its a good thing I can hold it for up to 10 hours. Whether or not its healthy is debatable. But its possible. (You probably didn't want to know that.) It sounds like it could be serious. We had a plumber in last week and thought he fixed everything. It worked fine all week until I took a shower yesterday and kaplouie! Our plumbing went "down the toilet", and then regurgitated itself back up the tub. Well, I'm going to stop blogging now. Why? Because I've run out stuff to say. Yeah... so


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Can You Say "Hypocrisy?" No? Well, good luck with that lisp.

So, you wanna know something that makes me mad? I know some people at my school (Shocking, huh?) and they have a Bible Study. Now, I'm perfectly fine with that, but the thing is they only include certain people. Yeah, I know. I guess even though all people God can forgive, die for even, aren't good enough to be a part of their Bible study. Nothing says the love of God like selective membership, eh? Now, this part is purely what I've heard. It may or may not have any legitimacy, but apparently they don't talk a whole lot about God in that Bible study even. Mostly this one person talks about the good works he/she does. Yeah, I know again. I found this really quite irksome. Now, again. The last part is only rumor. I haven't gone to one of those things (I'd probably be rejected anyways...), nor do I particularly want to.

You wanna know something else though? After that exclusive Bible study, one person had a talk with a non-believer about why he/she doesn't know Christ. I wasn't eavesdropping mind you, but I was sitting close to the door and couldn't help hearing. You wanna know that person's answer (the part I heard)? Christian hypocrisy. I nearly busted out laughing. It was so crazy ironic. Although I'm rather worried about that person. He/she is probably more turned off from Christianity than ever because of the people at this school. I know I am, and I'm a believer!

I thought I'd share. Its not like anyone ever reads this blog anyways.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just what kinda girl do you think I am?!?

Ever feel like no one really gets you? Like everyone has this preconceived image of what and who you are? And no matter how off they are, they don't understand that your someone else completely? I've been feeling that lately. I've literally got the "Quite girl in the corner with her nose up a book who never talks and is perfect and has a genuine halo in the back of her closet," reputation. Not only is this title unreasonable, its a lot to say/type. *sigh* I'm none of those things! I'm rather obnoxious and sarcastic! I can be rather loud, and a halo? Yeah, right. That's far from the truth. I can be rude, I'm really blunt, and I laugh at my own really lame jokes. I enjoy odd music, everything from ska to metal. I don't read the Bible as much as I should. I have an awful temper. I never cry in front of people because it hurts my pride. Eye injuries freak me out. I get hung up on really stupid details, and then annoy the crap out of everyone when I point them out. I like shooting guns. I'm a slob. Even if I had a halo, I probably couldn't find it! I write stupid stories. I love the Civil War! And I want to hit hypocritical people in the face! See? I'm nothing like the girl everyone thinks me to be. Nor do I want to be.

People say I never talk, but whenever I try they walk away or tune me out. I'm starting to think maybe the problem isn't just me, but others too. I've tried screaming. I've tried writing. Nothing seems to work. I feel like I'm up against a brick wall sometimes. I'm screaming, yet no one bothers to check out what's wrong. Only about 4 people from my class actually have scratched the surface of who I am. That greatly disturbs me. I don't really know what to do.
