Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Once again, this isn't exactly an irksome issue. But I'll post it here anyways. SO yes, I realize that 9/11 has passed once again. But this is honestly the first year I really care about what happened. I was pretty young when the World Trade Center was attacked, so I really didn't know what was happening. And thus far 9/11 comes and goes with some old videos of the event and fake tears with hollow patriotism for most of those in Washington it seems. Yet realize the significance of it on people who lost loved ones. Heck! Realize the significance for any real American with a heart! (So yes, this excludes many of those in Washington.) So, again. This is kinda a odd time to post it (even though its veterans day). You see, I was listing to some good old Brave Saint Saturn on youtube and saw the 9/11 tribute with their song "Daylight" on it. SO I watched it. Wow. The song was almost meant for 9/11. LIke it crazy fits perfectly. (Check it out at ). And I realize how important it really is for our nation. I'll post more on this later, but I need to get this much out there now.


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