Friday, November 27, 2009

A Book, oh dear.

Okay, I've recently read "Candle in the Darkness" by Lynn Austin. I rather liked it. So I picked up the next one in the series, its called "Fire by Night". I'm over half way through it, and love it. Oh, you know that overwhelming excitement you get when you really get into a book? Well, yeah. I'm there. Ugh! But I'm so excited, I can't finish. Odd, isn't it? Half way because I don't want it to end? Perhaps. Plus I'm not 100% sure its going to end... well, how I want it to end. That deeply scares me. The ending has been know to ruin a great book. UGH! I'm twitching guys. Way to into that book! I can barley type!!! Its really sad, because after this I will no longer know squat about these people. They will disappear into storyless oblivion. Its gut wrenching when you think about it. Its very much like your dearest friend that you've shared years of life experience finds that they only have so many chapters... er, days to live! Then, those days fly by and POOF! They're history. Sure, you can look at pictures. Read through the emails again, but its never the same! You freaking know how it ends! I'm going to be very sad for many a day after I finish this. Be prepared. I just can't stand it. Really, I'm sitting down! And twitching continues. My parents think I'm crazy, and they're right, I'll admit. I'm really glad I didn't read this at school though. I would have been laughing, crying, yelling, and throwing this book halfway across the room all in one setting. Its terrible! What am I supposed to do?!? This almost happened at school the other week. Only for a different purpose. The book was terrible! We are talking cheesy, corny, sappy, and any other food related adjective you can think of, Historical christian fictional inspirational romance book. Bleh. I was laughing so hard because it was SO CRAZY AWFUL! I should really do a parody about it on my parody blog, but I'm too lazy. Okay, I'm going to stop venting and face it like a book worm. I'll finish the book. Then cry for about 12 hours (kidding, I hope). Then I'll do some fake blog weeping for show on here and search for a new book series to settle my never ending thirst for a good read.

Till then,

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