Friday, November 27, 2009


Ah! I'm becoming the enemy!

I just went back to reading the book, and skipped ahead to the last couple chapters to see how things progressed. (I hate when I do that, but if I don't, I explode. Yes, it gets rather icky and its a lot of work to clean up. So I choose to do it. But, sleep well. I have a warning label.) Well, yeah. They looked kinda bleak in there for a while for the 2 characters I wanted to get together. So, I go back to the scene where they kiss. Yeah, and I read it 4 times. 4!!! What kind of monster have I become?!? I'm thriving on a Christian historical romance novel! I make fun of people who do that on my parody blog! ITS LIKE I HAVE A BLOG DEDICATED TO MOCKING MYSELF! *breathes* I'm okay. Only, I'm not. Ugh...

What should I do? Is there a doctor for this kinda stuff? A medicine? I don't want to become one of those love sick girls who go around reading Janet Oak while taking about the passionate kissing scene from it! I don't mind romance, but its becoming a driving force in my book life! I can't stand for it! It must be killed. *Some one, please, shoot it. *Or poison it. *Or, if you have a extra atomic bomb sitting on your book self just waiting to destroy an ideology, use it! I'm desperate here people.


*Please do not actually go out and shoot, poison, or blowup anything. It was my frail attempt at humor. I can just see someone suing me because they read my blog after someone did one of these things. *sigh* Its hard to live in a politically correct world.

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