Friday, August 28, 2009

The Unexplainable is being tested to see If I can Explain it!!!!

So, I haven't blogged in a while.... I have a couple of great excuses though! First of all, my blog is dead.... its sorta like talking to myself on here. Only.... well, not. 2. I've been irritable lately and thought I'd spare the internet some really mean blog posts. But the good news is I haven't died from H1N1!!!! I know all my imaginary followers will be thrilled at this fact. Anyways, I'll post some on the healthcare bill soon. I'm doing some research of it... and its hard to follow. One reason is its "dead boring" (great pun huh?) And second of all, its so freaking crazy long I could die before I half way through it! And I'm a somewhat fast reader. Oh well, I'll save all the juicy details for later.

-The none dead Em

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Okay, this isn't at all an irksome issue, but I read a great book today. Its called Finishing Becca. My only real problems with it are...


***will ruin book completely if read****

***read the book 1st*******

*****I'm serious*****

******No really, its fantastic the first time when you don't know what's going to happen, not so much when you do******

******I'm not joking, its a serious matter!*****

*****Last warning!****

1. The romance between Becca and Persifor(sp?) isn't developed at all. One second your wondering at the end of the book if they'll ever get together as you assumed, scratched that, where SURE of! And then all the sudden she's telling the cow, "Gee, nothing goes right, does it? Me and Persifor(sp?) where supposed to get married last spring but...." I nearly had a stroke. No, kidding. But I get really into books. It numbed my brain for a while there. I would of loved to see them awkwardly falling in love. Not reading her talk about it to her cow. Although, I did find that touch amusing.

2. We never got to know much about Persifor. What he was really like.

3. I can't pronounce Persifor's (or spell probably) name.

4. Becca's character could have been finely tweaked a tad. A tad more character development. I think the main reason I'm saying this is because of reason number one. She would have been changed a little by a romance, all book characters are.

It would have made a great secondary book to tell their romance a little. I'm not that much of a romance fan in real life, but I think it keeps a book's plot moving. And keeps the characters more interesting. And I feel like I lost touch with the character when I had grown close to her. I should hope that a second book comes out, but I'm certain it won't. But there should be one. If anyone knows Ann Rinaldi, tell her this.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Its a bird! Its a plane! No! It is...!!!

Okay, as most people realize, summer is almost over. (sorry for all of you in denial, but its the truth). School will start up, homework will rule my life, and poor sleeping habits will spill over into waking up at 6 am. Some might find this depressing, but not me. I'm excited, and do you know why? Its because I'm so dumb as fudge on a hat bored!!! This summer has been a whirlwind of boredom and stress! Its had its good moments, don't get me wrong. But over all, it was kinda blah. I didn't do a whole lot, mostly because of this economy, and because my house was being remodeled through out the first half of it, and during the second half my dad was sick. So, honestly, school sounds exciting! I can't believe I'm actually saying this, usually I hate the end of summer, but I'm looking forward to school! I'm turning into a nerd, and I'm learning to except it. Anyways, I must go and post on my parody blog, its been neglected for months.
