Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So, the Cap and Trade bill... do any of you find it completely and utterly ridiculous??? I mean, really? We get taxed for basically everything we do? Whether its driving, watching TV, blogging *yikes!*, even turning on a light! I'm surprised they don't charge us for breathing...(maybe they will, I'll have to have a second look at that thing) after all, "We release Co2 every time we breathe..."! What are we supposed to do??? STOP BREATHING??? My thing is, I'll do it if our big, fat government starts first! I must say, I almost wish they would some days that I'm feeling ticked off. The country, no scratch that, the WORLD would be a better place. And what ever happened to Obama saying "I promise not to tax poor people!" Thing? Because, this taxes everything and everyone! They even tax farmers for when their cows cut the cheese (pun fully intended there)! Urgh! I don't even believe in all that Global Warming crap! No, pardon me. Its ''Climate Change", and kiddies, you wanna know why the heck they changed it? ITS BECAUSE THEY WHERE.... WRONG! One second the world is getting hotter, and they scream "GLOBAL WARMING!!! We'll all fry like pork chops on a grill if YOU don't make sacrifices and change it!" Then, things cool down. What do they do? "CLIMATE CHANGE!!! Part of the world will fry like the previously mentioned pork chops and the other parts will freeze like my hairless cat in the snow!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! But it can all be fixed with some 'life style changes...' on your part only... and a couple trillion dollars in taxes!" Yep, thats what I call fun *say with heavy sarcasm*! Now, I'm being a little harsh. I know that some of you believe it, and thats fine. I disagree, but I don't want to force you to stop. But on the opposite side of the same Chuck E. Cheese game token, I don't want your beliefs forced upon me. Its already happened in school, where I have to pound a bunch of Evolution facts (junk really) in my head, and ''Climate change". I don't want my home life to resolve around it too! And MY tax dollars are being used to help people around the world get abortion! MY TAX DOLLARS! I believe that abortion is the murder of a baby. Not a blob of tissue or a fetus, a BABY! A human BABY! Like on this one bumper sticker I almost stole off one van *joking... mostly* heres what it said "If its not a baby, then YOUR NOT PREGNANT!" Such a wonderfully point, don't you think? But anyway, I'm getting off subject. That typically means I should stop. I'll try to blog some more on these issues later. I got to go practice holding my breath, bye!

1 comment:

  1. OMGG (oh my goodness gracious) umm seriously ,emily, if you write a book i will TOTALLY read it!!!

    Skyler Chilton
