Saturday, October 24, 2009

You wanna know one of the most irksome issues? Acne. Yeah. Acne. I hat it. No, I meant hate. I don't hat it. That makes no sense.... then again neither do I most of the time... Oh, well. I'm off subject already. Anyone have the mystery cure to acne in their lab in their mothers basement? Could you share it with me? Huh? I'm trustworthy!! Really! I am! I'll beg if I must. Pretty please? With ice cream and sprinkles on top??? Not even my 52 imaginary followers would know!!! NOT EVEN MY CAT!!!! Come on! Please???

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ugh! This song makes me want to cry every time!

Anyone agree???

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Irksome issue number 324: Burnt Pork-chops. Bleh....

Fall Break.... over? SPANISH QUIZ????

Hey, I just realized something. Fall break is almost over and I've done nothing. Yeah, it stinks. I also realized I must start studying for a Spanish quiz on monday or Tuesday. I forget which. In my opinion, I know all the Spanish I need to. Hola (hi!), adios! (bye!) and Yo no hablo espanol. (I don't speak spanish.) Thats plenty in my opinion. I mean, right? I know my beloved fake followers agree. Yes, because you are the best fake followers a girl can have on her blogs. *sniff* Thank you all!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stupid cat...

I am sad/angry. My cat threw up on my FAVORITE throw blanket. It was beautiful and matched my room perfectly. Heck! I made my room to match it! It was black and white w/ a paisley boarder and in the middle it had this tone on tone white stripes in different sheen's and a black lace cross. And it said "Love thy Neighbor." But my stupid cat was too lazy to get off my bed to puke her guts out. So, I read the little tag and it said it was machine washable. Followed all the instructions, washed it, but when it came out it was DESTROYED!!! The paisley boarder had faded in parts, there was black spots in the middle and it looked awful!!! I freaking loved that thing!!!!! UGGGHH! If I didn't love that cat I'd kill her. Unfortunately for me I do love her. I digress... *sigh* Seriously though, if any of my imaginary followers (again, there are 52 of you) happen to see a throw blanket that matches this description, TELL ME!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm certain its ruined. I got it a year or two ago at LifeWay (Even the "christian" market lies about washing. What has the world come to??????????)

-A rather depressed Em

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

You know something really... well, irksome? Noses. Yep, I said it. Noses. *millions of chinese cats around the world gasp in awe at my bluntness* What do they do? I mean, they get runny, the smell nasty stuff, they itch, they break out, and they have a bunch of hair growing out of them. Plus, mine is too big. I have my dads nose. Its not fair I tell you, not fair.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Hey! Guess what all you followers I've made up (There's 52 of you. I'll list all in my next post!!!) I'm back! You know, that girl that sometimes every few months checks up on this thing? Yeah, well, its her. I have very exciting news! THE FIVE IRON FRENZY DVD IS COMING OUT THIS WINTER! (Check out the trailer for it on youtube. Heres a link ) Yes, this is a big deal for me! I missed out on Five Iron when they where still living, I missed the excitement of wondering what will they throw out next, and the anticipation, waiting for the next FIF album or tee-shirt to come out. All the stuff that makes being a fan fun! I finally have something. Perhaps it will give me closer. Or it'll make me crazier and cause me to start working on that plan to kidnap all the people from the band and force them to get back together less I release my cat upon them. (By the way, the last sentence was a figment of your imagination.) I'm joking. I assure you, I am. Well, this isn't really an irksome issue, so I'm going to stop and start working on my list of imaginary followers.
