Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Good Morning... but I digress." You gotta love that commercial.

Long time no type! My poor blog (which no one reads, so its not like I'm breaking hearts here) has been neglected for months. My FIF dvd was AMAZINGNESS³!!! They should get a Grammy, or is it Emmy. Is that even how you spell them? Are they for music? Oh good grief, you get the idea (even if I don't).

Life has been kinda crappy these last few months. My grandfather is dying, (they gave him 48 hours tops yesterday), I got a B in science, which means I'll have to take it over again next year from the same freaking books which I hate with a burning passion, (more on that later), and the typical Socialistic crap has been going on in Washington, but that's not exactly new.

Bright side though... *turns lamp toward screen*. Someone finally told off a teacher I can't stand! It twas' amazing.... even though a good bunch of people got made at him for doing so because our lovely teacher decided since we were being so disrespectful by arguing her amazing judgement (which was completely wrong by-the-way), she gave us this ridiculous amount of homework and didn't teach it. Well, she never really teaches, its more like she writes what's in the book on the board and tells us to write it down, then acts like she does us a great favor by doing so. I'd like to point out that its the only reason she gets paid, and that if she doesn't teach, my money shouldn't fill out her pay check, but she's been nice to me lately and I don't want to mess that up. Anyways, it was still amazing. I applaud him.

You wanna know something lazy and nerdy that I really want? Pajama jeans. Yep, I'm hoping I can get past the dress code of no sweats by wearing those. But then I went online and it said they were over 50 freaking bucks! That' s so dumb! UGH! Why does the cool-yet totally useless-stuff always have to be so expensive?!?

I think I shall end my rant there. Good day my non- existent followers... but I digress. :)

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